With energy costs rising rapidly in the South Pacific, Wainiyaku Estate, a coconut tree plantation on Fiji’s Tavenuni Island, was faced with astronomical electrical bills, and looking at alternative ways to produce electricity for plant operations

A capital investment that involved repairing an old steam engine could produce energy at a much lower cost than what the government was charging. But, getting the engine up and running would require replacement parts. As a former Double Seal customer, the owner sent an email request to Grover Corporation for a quote on new piston rings for the engine.

Grover worked on a sketch and agreed to do everything possible to make a ring that would work in the application. With a piston that Wainiyaku sent via UPS, Grover disassembled the parts piece by piece to replicate the exact dimensions and specifications of the rings. After testing a sample ring in the piston, Grover approved production of the rings.

The rings were exactly what they needed and they were delivered exactly as needed. The expertise and advice offered by Grover was helpful not only in the ring design and specifications, but also in the correct installation and operation of the engine. Customer was extremely pleased with the customized process and service they received working with Grover.

“I am delighted to be able to report that your rings have been received and installed in their respective pistons and cylinders. Each piston was rotated separately upon fitting the rings and there was no indication of any resistance during the stroke. In other words a perfect job!!”